Characterization - NMR spectrometers for magnetic materials

NMR spectrometers for magnetic materials


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) consists in resonance absorption of  phonons corresponding to the energy difference  between consecutive energy levels of nuclear spins  in magnetic field. In case of magnetically ordered solids the resonance takes place in an internal magnetic field, inherent to the magnetic state of the matter, and thus it can be used as a probe of local magnetic properties. The NMR spectrum represents  a distribution of the local internal magnetic fields in particular crystallographic position.


  • 3 fully automated broadband spin echo spectrometers
  • Frequency range of operation: 30-320 MHz, 300-1000 MHz, and 20-600 MHz
  • Observed isotopes: 59Co, 57Fe, 55Mn, 121Sb, 123Sb and 95Mo, 97Mo, 75As, 119Sn, 143Nd, 145Nd 149Sm, 153Eu 155Gd, 187Re
  • specialized, custom made  software for data acquisition and analysis



Due to a strong relationship between a local magnetic field and local crystalographic environments the NMR technique provides a detailed information on crystallographic Short Range Order present in the sample. In this way NMR is complementary to other structural techniques such as  electron-microscopy, X-rays or EXAFS.  On the other hand the NMR experiment provides the information on spin density distribution and thus it complements  the  macroscopic magnetometry.  In addition, NMR experiment provides the  frequency dependent magnetic restoring field which can be related to a local magnetic stiffness, resulting from magnetocrystalline anisotropy, coercivity, etc.

NMR spectrometers for 20-320 MHz and 300-1000 MHz range.

Shape and dimension ( d=4.5 nm ) of Co nanoparticles obtained by heat treatment of CoAg alloy, determined from the analysis of  59Co NMR spectrum.

The yields of 55Mn NMR in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3)thin films:  Trapped holes (Mn4+) density in manganites (La2/3Sr1/3MnO3) thin films extend deep into the films, far from interfaces and magnetic anisotropy displays a distinctive profile as a function of depth reflecting surface and bulk magnetic hardness.